
Turkish Universities Exhibition

Organized by Bahar Group for Educational Services, the official agent for Turkish universities.

March 3rd, 2024
(Ottoman's Life Hotel Deluxe)


The Private Turkish Universities Exhibition in Istanbul

Bahar Group for Educational Services and Consultations in Turkey invites you to the first-of-its-kind educational exhibition, scheduled for March 3, 2024, in Istanbul.
The exhibition aims to bring together university and school students, their parents, and education enthusiasts with schools and universities in Istanbul, facilitating direct communication between students and school/university administrations to assist them in selecting the school and university that best suits their aspirations.
Attendees will also have the opportunity to avail themselves of exclusive discounts and scholarships offered by universities.



March 3rd, 2024
(Ottoman's Life Hotel Deluxe)

You will be welcomed by representatives of Turkish universities to answer all your inquiries and questions about studying in Turkey and how to obtain university admission.

Moreover, many study programs, partial scholarships, and direct admissions will be offered at the exhibition.

Register your attendance now and inform your friends to visit the exhibition.








Exclusive to

Advantages of the Turkish Universities Exhibition in Istanbul

Exclusive discounts and scholarships for students from universities.

Direct meeting between students and university representatives

Free educational consultations and guidance on studying in Turkey

Immediate and free university admission directly from the university

Turkish Universities Exhibition - Istanbul

Exhibition Location

Ottoman's Life Hotel Deluxe
(Istanbul / Fatih)

Exhibition Date

Sunday 03.03.2024
From 10:00 To 19:00

Participating Universities

And other universities

Attendance Form

To visit the Turkish Universities Exhibition in Istanbul organized by Bahar Group for Educational Services, the official agent for Turkish universities, please fill out the attendance form with the required information.
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